Monday, September 10, 2012

Grulla Fish Ready to Dive Into Big Pond

(Photo 1)
Just three months ago Grulla students wrapped up their middle school work, turning in that last paper or test. That triggered the start of a new chapter in their lives – they became “fish”. Why fish? It’s a nickname commonly used across the United States to refer to incoming high school freshmen who are new fish in a big pond. And just like their counterparts in nature, with a little help and instinct, will learn to navigate the system, grow and become models for other young fish in the future.

The 241 fish of the Grulla High Class of 2016 took the first big dive into that new pond by attending Fish Camp, otherwise known as Freshmen Orientation, at Grulla High School in mid-August. They met Principal Joel Trigo Jr., as well as members of the school’s administrative and counseling team.

“Grulla High has a great reputation of having great teachers, students and administrators,” said Trigo to the incoming freshmen. “We are excited that you will be part of our tradition.”

They learned about the student code of conduct, academic standards and testing, dual enrollment opportunities, the classes they will take in the fall, as well as the many services available to them as high school students.

“We wanted students to know that we understand coming into high school is a big transition, and it can be a bit scary, but there it is also very exciting because there is so much to look forward to,” explained Counselor Rick Solis. “We are one big family at Grulla High and they are now part of that family. It’s got a great heritage and now they are beginning to see the role they play in our future as an institution. It’s was a great experience for them and us.”

(Photo 2)
The highlight of the camp was an organization fair, where students met with advisors and upperclassmen who participant in the various clubs and organizations available through the high school like the band, drill team, student council and National Honor Society, to name a few. The fair gave incoming freshmen a chance to ask questions about student activities at the school, learn about requirements and start getting into the Gator spirit.

“The principal gave a very inspiring, motivational speech and made his expectations clear,” said incoming freshman Dori Cruz. “His expectations are high, but I think I can meet them. I have a very good feeling about this year and I think it will be the best yet.”

The activities concluded with a pizza and soda lunch, which gave students a chance to get to know each other or, in some cases, catch up on a summer of fun.

Photo caption 1:
Grulla High Principal Joel Trigo Jr addresses the new freshmen.

Photo caption 2:
Incoming Grulla High freshmen learn about great opportunities at their new school.